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5 Oral Health Myths Busted

5 Oral Health Myths Busted

Are you a fan of the show MythBusters? You know that show where they take a commonly accepted myth and try to prove whether it’s true or false by doing some cool experiments. Today we’re going to share a few common oral health myths and bust them! No cool experiments,...
Dental Sealants

Dental Sealants

We all know that brushing and flossing, along with regular dental visits, are the best way to protect your teeth from cavities, But, what if there was something a little extra that you could do to keep your teeth clean and healthy? Would you be interested? Well, there...
Healthy Snacks for Your Teeth

Healthy Snacks for Your Teeth

So often you read articles pointing out snacks that are not good for your teeth. Candy. Soda. Dried fruits. But, what if you want something that’s good for you and good for your teeth? Or, what if your child is asking for a snack? How can you help him/her make good...