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Regularly chewing on ice can have some unfortunate consequences for the chewer…Keep reading to learn how.

Okay…now that we’ve got your attention and you find that you can’t get that song out of your head, let’s talk about chewing ice. Do you chew ice? Occasionally? Habitually? You may even do it without thinking, but it can have a negative impact on your mouth, and you should be aware of the consequences of this seemingly harmless and satisfying habit.

Damage to Your Tooth Enamel

Chewing on ice can lead to wear on the enamel that protects your teeth. This, in turn, can lead to cracked or broken teeth, and can require dental treatment.

Teeth Sensitivity

The repeated process of chewing on ice can lead your teeth to have increased sensitivity to hot or cold foods and beverages, which causes discomfort or pain. Try enjoying your favorite flavor of ice-cream after days of chewing on ice…it’s not fun!!

More Prone to Cavities

The damage caused by chewing ice can also make you more prone to cavities due to the weakening of your enamel.

Gum Problems

When chewing on ice, you may find that sharp pieces may cause problems with your gums. The sharp edges produced by chewing ice may perforate your gums, which causes infections or other issues.

Iron Deficiency

The chewing and craving of ice (known as pagophagia) may also indicate an iron deficiency, although the reasons for this are not exactly known.

If you are an ice-chewer and have concerns about what your habit is doing to your teeth, give us a call today! We can give you a thorough checkup, repair any damage you may have, and keep an eye on your teeth during your future visits.